
neovim is a fork of vim focused on extensibility and usability. It's an almost drop-in replacement for vim, although there are a few minor differences. Neovim has a few major advantages over vim. In terms of performance, neovim is apparently truly asynchronous, uses the scripting language Lua instead of vimscript with LuaJIT for extra speed, and has a faster startup time. Neovim also has support for syntax-aware syntax highlighting and text formatting (through tree-sitter) as well as built-in support for LSP. In general, neovim is a more modern and extensible replacement for vim and I've found it basically acts as a drop-in replacement without much configuration hassle.

See also Daniel's config for inspiration.


There's at least three ways to configure neovim through Nix.

  • NixOS options under programs.neovim.*,
  • Home Manager options also under programs.neovim.*,
  • and NixVim.

The NixOS module only provides basic support for a configuration file and not much else. Note that the executable nvim is a wrapped shell script which can be viewed with nvim $(which nvim). It's therefore possible to have both programs.enable.neovim = true for both NixOS and Home Manager as they live in different places, namely,

  • /run/current-system/sw/bin/nvim and
  • ~/.local/state/nix/profile/bin/nvim

respectively. This means my (hardened) neovim configuration as root (which uses the NixOS system configuration) is different from my personal neovim configuration (which uses the Home Manager user configuration). One advantage is that plugins aren't loaded when running neovim as root.

The Home Manger module provides a few extra conveniences, most notably, plugin support (programs.neovim.plugins) which uses neovim's built-in plugin loading mechanism. This can be slower than modern aggressively optimized plugin managers which compile configuration and recommend manually managing lazy loading to delay loading plugins until they're truly necessary. My incredibly bloated configuration with 34 plugins starts in about ~250ms (at the time of writing), which is perfectly fine. I'd like to get to 100-150ms which feels "snappier" to me but objectively speaking, it makes no practical difference.

Finally, NixVim is a module system for configuring neovim. I haven't used it personally since I'm happy with Home Manager and writing Lua, but it's the most "Nix-like" system (clean modules where someone else does the heavy lifting of actually translating Nix declarations into final configuration).

(it was only recently that Nix overtook Lua by lines of code in my configuration!)

Miscellaneous tips

No additional plugin/package managers

Since plugins are automatically installed with neovim, the configuration is more portable. In addition, packages which should installed with neovim (language server protocol implementations, formatters, linters, etc.) can be installed with neovim through programs.neovim.extraPackages.

Neovim as a man pager

Neovim can be used to read man pages more easily.

export MANPAGER="nvim +Man!"
export MANWIDTH=80

Security-conscious editing

While editing passwords, important emails, or other sensitive information, it's best to have a different configuration so that vim is sandboxed. By default, vim generates swap files, backup files, etc. and will load modelines which have had and continue to have security vulnerabilities.

See my hardened init.lua

-- pass will automatically do some of this, even with no configuration

vim.opt.shada = ""
vim.opt.history = 0
vim.opt.swapfile = false
vim.opt.backup = false
vim.opt.writebackup = false
vim.opt.undofile = false = true
vim.opt.modeline = false
vim.opt.shelltemp = false

-- save file for all modes
vim.keymap.set({ "", "!" }, "<c-s>", "<cmd>w<cr>")
-- exit file for all modes
vim.keymap.set({ "", "!" }, "<c-q>", "<cmd>q!<cr>")

which can be used with

/run/current-system/sw/bin/nvim --clean --noplugin -n -u init.lua "$@"

Alias this to nvim-private, which can then be used as an value for EDITOR. The commands in init.lua were based on this Stack Exchange. For posterity, here is a vim-compatible version.

" pass will automatically do some of this, even with no configuration

set viminfo=
set history=0
set noswapfile
set nobackup
set nowritebackup
set noundofile
set secure
set nomodeline
set noshelltemp

set nocompatible               " turn off vi compatibility mode
set backspace=indent,eol,start " make backspace always work
set showcmd                    " show an incomplete command
set showmode                   " show mode

" save file for all modes
noremap  <c-s> <cmd>w<cr>
noremap! <c-s> <cmd>w<cr>
" exit file for all modes
noremap  <c-q> <cmd>q!<cr>
noremap! <c-q> <cmd>q!<cr>

Reflowing text paragraphs

When editing text in the terminal, it can be helpful for readability to wrap text to a certain line width (traditionally, less than 80 characters long). However, greedily wrapping (neovim's default behavior) can make the edges of paragraphs jagged, which look worse than more rectangular paragraphs.

See my blog post on a simple dynamic programming algorithm that reflows paragraphs "optimally".

In neovim, gq is the operator and the option 'formatprg' sets the program invoked on gq. I frequently run gqip (mnemonic: gq in a paragraph) while writing. I recommend using my program far or the original program it was based on, par.