pacman -S ibus
run at startup, set environmental variables, put in
ibus-daemon --daemonize --replace --xim
export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
no clue what
does, but if left out doesn't
work in alacritty, e.g.
no clue what the environmental variables do, but if left out
doesn't work in alacritty, e.g.
can put variables in
but why
would you want to? need to edit with sudo, etc.
- edit config, add input methods, etc.
- can also right-click icon if it's running
- change activation shortcut to whatever you like, etc.
xmodmap/xkb to
make changes
ibus randomly clears these when switching back and forth
"IBus Preferences" -> "Advanced" -> "Keyboard Layout"
-> check "Use system keyboard layout"