
pacman -S browserpass
pacman -S browserpass-firefox
paru -S browserpass-chrome
  • remember to quit and re-open chrome!


pass can be used to autofill username and password forms in the browser through the browserpass extension. It is installed in two parts, first, a native messaging host, and second, an extension for the browser.

The native app can be installed with

pacman -S browserpass

Install the Firefox extension with

pacman -S browserpass-firefox

Or the Chrome extension (AUR) with

paru -S browserpass-chrome

Remember to quit and re-open the browser after installing the extension.

In order to use browserpass, the directory structure and file structure needs to be organized in a particular way. This was a bit of pain to migrate from whatever ad-hoc format I was using previously, but it didn't take too long. I recommend putting the password on the first line with no prefix so things like pass -c file still work, and specifying the username with username: ....